Saturday, June 19, 2010


So today we went to the farmers market for some fresh peas. We came home and shelled them. We had a small amount, but they were nice and fresh. This evening we steamed them and strained them. And look at the face we got for all that work! So, we shall keep trying them till this runs out, then maybe we will hold off until she has learned more textures. Making yourself spit up to get rid of the flavor? Not good.


  1. alright Anna! i feel the same way about peas hun! lol keep on trying mom and dad! can she try avocado yet?

  2. she's definetly related...

  3. Love this picture!! Cates had the same reaction to peas on his first (and second)attempt and to make matters worse his Aunt Jennie made a puking face at him and it made him cry. I was so mad!! He loves them now!!
